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When We Fall Page 4
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Page 4
If she pushes me, I just might.
She purses her lips but doesn't answer my question. Instead, she steps out of the bathroom without another word, leaving me glaring after her and wondering what the hell that was about.
Damn her.
She was implying that she got together with Liam before I was in the picture. But I know about every guy she was ever involved with. And she never mentioned him to me, not even once. If that was the case, shouldn't she have said something when I started dating him sophomore year? She even expressed her support when I told her and our friends about him. Was that a lie? Has everything been a lie?
I go home with her last words hanging over me like a dark cloud, blackening my mood. "He was mine first." What did she mean by that?
Maybe I should ask Liam about it.
But are you sure you're ready to talk to him? What if you end up bursting into tears in front of him? You'll humiliate yourself and Peyton will use it against you.
Right. Maybe it's not smart to do that today.
Duke is the first one to greet me when I walk through the front door, jumping and wagging his tail excitedly like he hasn't seen me in ages. His innate adorableness lightens up my mood considerably.
After petting his head and scratching his ears, I make my way inside, following the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen.
Mildred is cooking something delicious. Sensing my presence, she glances over her shoulder with a smile. "Hey, Sawyer. Are you hungry?"
A Filipina in her early forties, Mildred works for us full-time. Dad hired her a year after Mom died to help take care of me and Avery while keeping the house clean. As a plus, having her in our home helps him focus the majority of his time into writing. And while she'll never be able to replace Mom, my sister and I appreciate having somewhat of a mother figure around.
Smiling back, I nod and sit down at the island, placing my bag down at an empty stool.
"Good. I made some banana cue," she says, depositing a plate filled with sugar-coated, deep-fried bananas on sticks in front of me. Then pours me a glass of iced tea.
Mildred always makes it a point to prepare afternoon snacks for us—mostly Filipino-style, just like what Mom used to do. It's what I always look forward to at the end of a school day.
"These look delicious," I tell her, helping myself with a stick. Predictably, Duke whines at my feet. Laughing, I get up and grab a small handful of kibble and give it to him. Once I'm done with my snack, I thank Mildred and get up from the island, grabbing my bag.
"I'll call you when dinner's ready."
"'Kay. I'll be in the living room."
I go to my room to change into a tank top and sweatpants before grabbing my phone and laptop and heading down to the living room, with Duke padding right behind me.
Turning the TV on for some background noise, I make myself comfortable on the couch, firing my laptop up to continue with the short story I'm currently working on.
I'm going to add it to my collection of short stories, which I plan to use as a portfolio to get into Carlisle University. It's the same university Mom and Dad went to—the very place they met and fell in love with each other.
And since I'm the daughter of Emmett Dunn, world-famous author, I inherited his love for writing. Not that he has the slightest idea about it. He doesn't even know that I'm planning to take a Creative Writing degree.
It's not that I want to keep it a secret from him. I have every intention of telling him, it's just that...I don't think I'm ready to share it with anybody. I feel a little protective of my stories—but at the same time, apprehensive too.
What if he doesn't like my writing? What if he finds it lacking and tells me I don't have what it takes to be a writer? I don't think I can take that kind of rejection from him.
Or maybe I'm just overthinking it. But either way, I'd like to keep it to myself for now.
Pulling the blanket up to Mom's neck, I place a kiss on her forehead. She was already out cold when I decided to check on her, the pill bottle lying empty on her nightstand likely the culprit.
No matter how many times I dispose of her prescription bottles, she always gets them the next day. I’d blame Janna, her sitter, but Dianne Holloway doesn’t need any help when it comes to her vice. She's resourceful all on her own.
It would have been admirable if it were for any other reason. If it weren’t for something destructive.
Giving my mother one last glance, I step out of her room, slowly closing the door behind me. Not that it matters whether I'm being careful or not. The noise won’t do a damn thing to wake her up. She's dead to the world.
My fist is poised to knock on Ethan’s door before I remember that my eleven-year-old brother is currently having a sleepover at the McIntyres’. He won’t be back until tomorrow.
Aria, on the other hand, is out with her friends. She called an hour ago to say she’d be home late. I wanted to say no, but my seventeen-year-old sister takes pride in being stubborn just for the hell of it.
So it's just me and my mom. But I might as well be alone in this big house.
Ambling down the staircase, I fish my phone out of my pants pocket and scroll through my contact list until my eyes settle on Peyton’s number. The image of her on that bed with Liam flashes through my mind, and it's all I can do not to hurl my phone at the wall.
My girlfriend and my damn best friend.
In hindsight, I should have seen this coming. Peyton and Liam were hooking up before I entered the picture. Before Liam decided to set his eyes on her.
The vivid memory of Sawyer Dunn sobbing into my chest makes me want to hurt him. To deliver ten times the pain he gave her.
I’d seen her first, wanted her first, but I took a step back and let him have her. I thought he'd make her happy. I thought he’d be right for her. I thought he would be able to give her what I couldn't.
Not after my dad fucked off and skipped town with his secretary, abandoning the family he was supposed to care for, transferring all his problems and responsibilities on my shoulders—his selfishness leaving me without any room to care for someone else.
So I quietly watched as Sawyer fell for Liam and started dating him. Then when the jealousy had gotten to be too much, I went after Peyton—her best friend—who’d been more than willing to be my girlfriend so she could make Liam jealous.
But even though our relationship started for all the wrong reasons, we made it work. I buried my feelings for Sawyer and tried to be a good boyfriend to Peyton. I thought we were good together. I thought she was safe and dependable.
Now, isn’t that a goddamn joke?
No doubt she's with Liam right now, relieved that they don't have to sneak around anymore. Fucking ecstatic that we're no longer in the way.
And what about Sawyer? How is she doing? Is she still pining over her cheating ex-boyfriend?
And what will you do now that she's single? Will you go after her and finally stake your claim?
Fuck if I know.
Not wanting to dwell on those nagging questions, I push them to the back of my mind. And just as I do, my phone pings with a text message.
It's Bennett. Party at Giovanni's in an hour.
I stare at the message. I'm not in the mood for a party, especially after what happened in the last one I went to. But neither do I feel like staying home. Mom has company; Janna won't leave until later. I'm free to go.
Decision made, I type a response: I'll be there.
"Fuckhead is asking if we're at G's party right now," Bennett announces over the loud music, ruffling his already-messy blond hair with his fingers as he stares down at his phone.
My eyebrows rise. "Fuckhead?"
"Liam." He studies my reaction to that name.
I don't give any.
So Liam texted Bennett, yet he hasn't reached out to me since Carson's party. No half-ass apology about what happened. Nothing.
Like he doesn't regret a damn thing.
"What did you tell him?" Giovanni probes even as his gaze lasers on the dancefloor where two girls are grinding on each other and giving him fuck-me eyes.
"I told him to suck my dick, what else?"
Jamie smirks, blowing out a cloud of smoke over his head as he takes a drag of his cigarette. "Knew I was right to doubt your sexuality."
Instead of getting pissed, Bennett flutters his lashes. "I'd give you the same offer, Jamie-boy, but we both know you won't be able to handle all this awesome man meat."
"Jesus," I mutter.
These guys are like brothers to me. But sometimes, I wonder why I hang out with them.
"Don't say man meat ever again," Jamie says, taking another hit on his cigarette.
"Man meat," Bennett repeats, just to be a dick.
"Think he'll crash this party?" Giovanni asks, glancing around his crowded place with a frown, as if Liam is already here.
Jamie smiles darkly. "If he does, we'll throw his ass out the moment he shows up at the door."
I never asked the three of them to pick a side. Liam betrayed me, not them. I told them they were free to stay friends with him. But they just brushed it off, as if I was speaking nonsense.
Giovanni said Liam's actions meant he couldn't be trusted. If he managed to fuck me over, he wouldn't have any problem doing the same to them in the future.
I didn't bother arguing with that. Why the hell should I waste time changing their minds? Whether or not they want anything to do with him makes no difference to me. I'm still done being friends with him.
Bennett whistles. "Uh-oh. Giovanni, man, those dumbasses are playing with your mom's blue vase. Didn't it come from the Ming dynasty or some shit?"
"Fuck. My parents are gonna kill me." Giovanni jumps up from the couch and stalks toward a group of guys goofing off with the invaluable vase, ignorant of its real worth.
"His dad will definitely kill him," Bennett snorts. "Hell, Mr. Russo will probably bury him in an unmarked grave himself."
Romano Russo, Giovanni's father, is rumored to be a mafia boss. He's a big Italian guy who's always dressed in suits and surrounded by at least three men every time he makes an appearance. He manages a lot of businesses, according to Giovanni, but people interpret it as businesses related to the mafia.
I believe the rumor is nothing but bullshit, but what do I really know?
"So your sister is still dating that loser," Jamie's amused voice draws my attention.
"What?" I clip.
Smirking, he points his cigarette at the dancefloor where, sure enough, Aria is dancing.
My eyebrows pull together in a frown. I didn't even know she was here.
Her friends are with her, but they're not the only ones. Michael Payne is dancing behind my sister, his hands on her hips.
"I don't know about you, man," Bennett whistles, looking in the same direction, "but that guy seems shady. If I were you, I'd tell Aria to stay the hell away from him."
I grind my teeth, keeping myself from barging in there and sending Aria home.
I'm not just being an overprotective brother. I know Aria is old enough to look after herself. But I don't trust Payne. Bennett's right—there's something off about him. I just can't put my finger on it.
When I learned that he was dating my sister, I told her to break up with him. But the stubborn brat just laughed in my face. Sisters are such a pain in the ass. A damn good thing I only have one.
"Good luck with that," Jamie chuckles, as if reading my thoughts.
Before I can respond to that, Giovanni drops back on the couch next to me, grumbling. "Little shits will be the death of me."
"Did you kick their asses out?" I ask.
"No." A dark smile curves his mouth. "But I threatened to cut off every finger in their bodies if they so much as look at the vase and any other valuable item here again."
Bennett chuckles. "Living up to your old man's reputation, I see."
Giovanni flips him off without looking in his direction.
Bennett just grins.
At the same time, Jamie shoots up to his feet. "I'm heading out."
"Where?" Giovanni asks.
"To suck on your mommy's tits," Jamie throws over his shoulder. "Wanna watch?"
Giovanni flips off his retreating back, too.
I shake my head and close my eyes. The night is still early.
I have a flat tire. Of all the days my white Audi could have a flat tire, it had to happen on a school day.
I stare at the offending tire, as if willing it to pump itself back up so I can continue driving to school. But of course, no matter how hard I glare at it, nothing changes.
I'm about to take my phone out to call for help when a vehicle approaches, distracting me. It's not just any vehicle though. It's Parker's Lexus.
For the second time in less than a week, he caught me in a bad time. Lucky me.
I watch as the Lexus slows down and stops in front of my car. A minute later, Parker gets out. With a frown, he approaches. "Peaches, what happened here?"
"I got a flat tire," I say, embarrassed, ignoring the nickname he's clearly intent on calling me and how good he looks in his school uniform combo—white polo shirt and blue V-neck sweater, his long legs encased in a pair of black pants.
His thick dark hair, which is neatly styled, is still a little damp from the shower. And when he moves closer to inspect the flat tire, an earthy, spicy scent hits me.
"Do you have a spare tire?"
"No." Even if I did, I still wouldn't know how to put it in place.
He sighs, then walks back to his car.
I shoot an incredulous look after him. He's leaving me just like that? Why did he even stop in the first place?
But before he can get into the driver's side, he glances back at me. "Aren't you coming?"
I blink. "What about my car?"
"I'll call someone to take care of it. Just leave your keys there so they can drive it over to school."
I was actually planning to call my dad, but since he's already offering… "I'll just go get my things." I hurriedly grab my bag from the passenger seat, making sure to leave the keys on the dashboard and checking that the doors are unlocked before heading to the Lexus.
Parker is already seated in the driver's seat when I get in, and talking to someone on his phone—probably an employee of the nearest auto shop.
"Thank you," he says before ending the call, placing his phone down on the dashboard. Then without another word, he starts the car and pulls back into the road.
When we reach the school parking lot, I quietly slide off his car and wait for him to do the same.
Judging from the look on his face, he's surprised to see me still standing there.
I give him a grateful smile. "Thanks for giving me a ride and for, um, calling for help."
"Don't mention it," he simply says, not even smiling back, and starts to head off.
I hurriedly catch up to him. "No, seriously, I owe you one. Well, two really, since this is the second time you've helped me. I feel like I haven't thanked you enough. I guess, maybe because I haven't returned the favor yet."
Parker abruptly stops then turns to me in the next second, making my eyes widen when he starts crowding me until my back hits his car.
"Let's get something straight here, Peaches," he says in a dangerously soft voice, his breath caressing my cheek, making my heart pick up pace. "I helped you because I wanted to, not because I was asking for anything in return."
"T-That's not what I meant," I stammer.
"Do you understand?" It's as if I didn't speak.
Swallowing hard, I simply nod.
"Good." He searches my face, his eyes flashing with satisfaction after a moment. Then he's walking off without another word, uncaring if I'm following or not.
Speechless, I can only stare after him.
What the hell was that about? It cert
ainly didn't feel friendly. In fact, it was something else. Intense is probably the word I can use for it.
"Is that Sawyer Dunn with Parker Holloway? Did they arrive together?"
"Wait. They're together now?"
"Oh my God, you're right. Maybe that's their revenge for the cheating. They're hooking up now."
Glaring at the group of junior girls gossiping nearby, I head inside the school, making sure to keep my distance from Parker.
I think he's pissed at me. As to the reason why, I have no idea. And with the way he just acted, I don't care to know.
Not that I'm being ungrateful, but he acted like he didn't really want to help me. Like he had no other choice. Like I'd somehow forced him to come to my aid.
Then he should just drive past the next time he sees me in trouble. He shouldn't concern himself with me anymore.
As if to add to my annoyance, word quickly spreads about Parker and I arriving to school together. Which just fuels speculations that we're going out now. Everywhere I go, there are people talking about it. They take one look at me then turn to whisper to the person standing next to them. Even during class, some of my classmates sneak glances at me then fish out their phones to text their friends, ignoring the lecture in front. It's frustrating, but that's how it works around here.
At lunch, I'm not surprised when Quinn brings it up. "Okay, S, spill. Why are all the tongues wagging about you and Parker?"
I frown. "People are just making a big deal about seeing us at the parking lot."
Brayden lifts a brow. "What were you two doing in the parking lot?"
Quinn leans closer. "Do we need to know something?"
"Other than the fact that he simply gave me a ride to school? Nothing." I sip from my Coke, hoping they'll finally drop it.
No such luck.
"So, it's not true that you were seen making out?" she asks.
"What?" I sputter, almost spitting out my drink. "Who said that?"
"Uh, everyone?"
"So, just to make things clear," Brayden interjects, "that's a lie?"
What's the matter with these people, seriously? It's one thing to gossip about what they saw, but to twist it into something else? A bunch of sickos.